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Book List For Classes Nur-10th (2024-25)

         Book List For Class 11th (2024-25)

Christmas Celebrations 2024









Introduction about the School:


A six acre plot was purchased by Rev. Fr Joseph Palakkathadam in the year 1998. Sacred Heart convent school, Beas was established in 5th March 2001 by the Diocese of Jalandhar under the Patronage of late Rt. Rev. Dr. Symphorian Keeprath, the then Bishop of the Diocese of Jalandhar through the sustained effort and hard work of Rev. Fr. Jose Palakuzha its first Director and Rev. Sr. Grace FCC the first Principal. Presently the Patron of the school is Most Rev. Dr. Franco Mulakkal, the Bishop of Jalandhar. The director of the School is Rev Fr. Paul Roy. and the principal is Rev. Sr. Maria MJ
Sacred Heart Convent School, Beas, is owned and administered by the Diocese of Jalandhar, a registered charitable society that conducts several flourishing schools all over Punjab and certain parts of H.P. This is also a minority institution with all its privileges guaranteed by the Supreme Constitution of India, under the Articles 29, 30 (1). His Excellency the Bishop of Jalandhar is the patron of this school and the president of the society.

The main aim of the school is to provide a sound, value based and emancipating education, designed to train its pupils to live for God and country, through their activities, be it moral, spiritual, intellectual, social or professional. It is student friendly and encourages analytical, creative and independent thinking and assists the students in developing holistic perspectives, all round developments, positive thinking attitude and sound domain of knowledge with particular applications of it.



Sacred Heart Convent School, Beas is a recognized Minority Educational Institution, enjoying all the rights and privileges guaranteed under Article 29 & 30 of the constitution of India. The School is locally administered by the guidance and direction of a Managing Director appointed by the Diocese of Jalandhar. The Sisters of the Congregation of Missionaries of Jesus (MJ) help to run this school under the management of the Diocese of Jalandhar. The Diocesan Board of Education, Jalandhar supervises the education policies of the institution.

The religious Sisters who are serving in the various Christian institutions in Punjab and elsewhere are people who are voluntarily vowed to God to lead a holy and dedicated life of selfless service to their fellow human beings. In order to surrender themselves totally to the love of God and service of humanity they renounce family life and live in religious communities known as convents; a home of prayer and serenity.

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